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By Drew Beausoleil

Submerged is a subtle and peaceful journey of Miku and Taku. Brother and sister who find themselves floating a shore a crumbled building submerged under water and taken back by mother nature. Niko carries her brother to a
platform as he is somehow left wounded and in pain. This is where Niko's journey begins as she searches the lost city for supplies to nurture her brother back to health.

Submerged is all about exploring this lost city, finding crates to help heal Taku back to good health, and in doing so you learn more about the city and what happened through finding artifacts that are placed throughout the world. The artifacts resemble paintings you would find from prehistorical times in caves. They are meant to help explain the mysteries behind this submerged city and Taku and Miku's journey but had left me scratching my head trying to understand the meaning of the current situation.

Nothing is clear nor really explained throughout the game or even after the game for that matter. After completing the game I still don't really understand how Taku received his injury or why the city it underwater to start with. The real story comes from exploring the world around you though not fully explained as clearly as I thought it would have once completing the game. Though not the highest graphical quality I've ever seen there is still something special about how they convey that art style and the open feel of the world. Climbing is not complex at all, one use of the left analog stick and you are climbing or dropping down from ledge to ledge. Simplicity is what Submerged has striven for with granting access to any player of age.

Though there may be lots to explore and at first it is enjoyable collecting all of the hidden secrets and ration drops for Taku to get better, but there isn't really much left to do after. Submerged is not a long game and will have you completing it within a few hours if you just go straight for the ration drops, but as previously mentioned its about
finding the hidden story that goes beyond Taku's purpose and finding out the mystery of why everything has become lost to the world and what lies beneath the depths of the Niko's need to help her brother.

Though I enjoyed my quiet time with Submerged, I really felt I wanted more  out of my experience. The world is pretty and fun to explore, but too simplistic at time and not all that challenging. I was looking for a better understanding of what happened to this city and its inhabitants and how did Taku get that scrape across his stomach? Controls were simple and anyone can jump right in and have a great time...I just needed more. More
explanation, more challenges and more opportunity to explore other locations within the world, whether that was in more buildings or under water, I was left with an enjoyable experience with hopes of a sequel to expand upon in a possible Submerged 2.

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