Bach’s Long Walk in the Snow  - Tom Allen 
Rebekah Wolkstein, violin
Suba Sankaran, voice
Dylan Bell, bass and voice
Lori Gemmell, harp

JS Bach's Long Walk in the Snow brings together a fantastic musical cast of Rebecca Wolkstein (violin and voice), Singers and multi-instrumentalists Suba Sankaran and Dylan Bell, harpist Lori Gemmell with master storyteller Tom Allen. The show mixes history and music - classical and not - to weave the tale of 20 year-old JS Bach walking 400 km in 1705 to escape a nasty situation in his first job, to find the father figure he didn't know he needed and quite possibly, love. 

Individual Concerts $35 plus hst/sc each.
Students may attend for FREE!
Any combination of 4 tickets...
4 for $100 
plus HST/SC  
$140 Value

Location: 333 King St, Midland, On L4r 3m7